Upload And Share APK Files

Drag and drop anywhere or click to upload your APK files and start sharing them everywhere for free.

Upload Your APK Files

Max File Size 500.00 MB / Files available for 15 days

Drag and drop your APK files here to upload

You can also browse from your computer.

Password protection

The password helps protect your files from public accessing

Drop Your APK File Here

Add your APK files by drag-and-dropping them on this window 😉


Free APK hosting service for Upload and Download apps, APK host. Offers integration solutions for uploading APK Apps to websites, blogs, and forums.

Upload Apps

Upload Apps

Upload APK files to a Uploadapk platform quickly and safely

Get direct link

Get direct link

Drag and drop anywhere to start uploading your apk and get direct link

Share anywhere

Share anywhere

Easily share the link with your visitors and keep track of your download stats


Blogs Avalbe

Step-by-step Guide: How To Rename Package Name In Android Studio 2024?
Step-by-step Guide: How To Rename Package Name In Android Studio 2024?

Android Studio is a popular development platform for creating modern mobile applications.

How to Generate APK and Signed APK Files in Android Studio
How to Generate APK and Signed APK Files in Android Studio

Generating APK and Signed APK files in Android Studio is an essential process for Android app developers.

How To Create And Build Your First Android App In Android Studio
How To Create And Build Your First Android App In Android Studio

Creating a mobile app can be a daunting task for those who are unfamiliar with the world of mobile development.


Your questions answered

Drag and drop the files into the uploader on ApkPure. After the file upload is completed, you will be given a unique URL that can be shared with others.

APKdos.com -  Free APK APPS is a file hosting provider. We offer online storage/remote backup capacity, and sophisticated uploading and downloading tools.
With Apkpure.com - Free Files Hosting you can host files,Only APK APPS on the same place.

Whenever you need to send a file that is too large for e-mail, APKdos.com - Free APK Files Hosting can help. If you need secure remote storage capacity for off-site backups, LayShare.com - Free APK Files Hosting offers solutions for you. If you want to access personal data from a variety of computers and don't want to carry around a USB stick, APKdos.com - Free APK Files Hosting is a perfect way of doing so.

No, because not everyone wishes to share the files they upload with everyone else. This way APKdos.com - Free APK Files Hosting can be used to share files with anyone you choose to, as well as keep it for yourself as a backup or to download from anywhere in the world.

All kinds:NOT ALLOW .. Just Allow APK APPs File 

To delete a file you uploaded you must use Delete Link that was provided to you after the upload proccess.
If you lost your removal code you can simply wait until the file expires so it will be automatically removed from our site.

No. Hotlinking is not allowed on any kind of files uploaded to our servers.

If you still have questions regarding our services don't hesitate to contact us using our contact form.

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